Wednesday, March 30, 2005
goodbye 1cm(+)
yesyes I'm going to bed now
a quickie
so yeah work... it was ok, nothing very exciting really, just going through newspapers finding companies and looking for their details and putting them into a database. thank God it's only for a month! Although it's a nice wee office, only 6 others and we had chocolate cake (yummmmy) cuz it was the boss' birthday.
I only have to work half day tomorrow, cuz I've got an interview in the arvo, and in between will prob go across the street to church and have a wee nap :)
alright I wanna go to bed now and it's just after 8:30pm ha
Saturday, March 26, 2005
simply AMAZING
Yesterday a group of us from church went to
We started with a prayer walk going to each floor or every other floor praying and painting the walls with God’s light (several people on the team had pictures or words for this, which was kewl), we talked and prayed with people as we felt lead. We went up to the roof and it was AMAZING just looking down these grated covered areas, which let light down to the small rooms/apartments below. The darkness and filth was evident, but I know God will use these to pour out His light into these people’s lives and rain down His spirit to wash away the dirt and everything (physically and spiritually).
We then had a worship time in the ICM room… it was filled with people from all over, Nepalese, South Asians, Africans, Chinese… it was so beautiful to hear our voices lifted up together as one to worship our King! You could feel God’s presence fill the room. It was like those church house meetings you hear about, so many people packed into a small room and everyone is just worshiping God. It’s something we rarely experience… it was honestly AMAZING! After, someone from the team shared about Christ and what he did for us, and a meal was served. The women go to another room next door where there is a children’s area and a medic room (some doctors and nurses volunteer there and someone donates medicine). I was so honoured to be able to lead a Bible study with some of the ladies and talk and pray with them. A 14-year old girl from the
God’s grace and glory didn’t just stop then (it never does) and that evening my mum and I went to a worship night at church, where a visiting violinist ministered through his music. I honestly just love violin music, there’s just something about it that pulls at your heart/emotions, and you get all tingly! Again, God always comes when His children worship Him. The spirit of healing was so heavy and my mum was touched and healed of a back pain, which has effected her walking and causes her so much pain for the past 5-6years. And now she is free from that! She doesn’t walk with a limp nor has any pain!! Our God is an AMAZING God! Glory to God! On our way home we had to celebrate and go get some chocolate haha…
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Whose next?
Although it's just a temp job doing data entry at a recruitment firm, it'll be a good way to ease myself into the working life, getting up early, having responsibilities and so on. It's a really nice office, so that'll be good. And even more exciting, I bought my first suit the other day!! woohoo, it's a classic slim fit cut, and of course black. My mum said that if I want to work in the corporate world, then I have to start dressing like I am. Which suits me just fine (hah nice pun)
Another thing that is kinda exciting is next week I have an interview with a Design&Marketing company, well more so in this other section of the company which does complete advertising/marketing for restaurants/bars located in a particular area like Soho, LanKwai, TST, Wanchai... so that could be interesting.
This weekend is going to be really exciting!! We're doing all these outreaches into the city- working with InnerCity Missions in Chung King Mansion, which is a place I've always been scared of for no particular reason, but am going in with the team on Friday to do a prayer walk, serve lunch, meet people and help out with a Bible study... I know good things will come from it, God will be in the house, so it'll be very kewl. There's lots of other stuff going on, like visiting an old folks home, an outreach in a mall, worship nites, Easter service and so on.
I guess the thing with running programs and organising things, is that sometimes we tend to let that get in the way of what God wants to do... we have to be careful not to let boundaries limit our amazing God!! ha coming from a perfectionist/detailist I know I have to allow God just to do His thing, even if it might 'mess' up things, cuz it's all about Him... good thing to remember
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
So I guess you might be wondering how it went last nite, it was... interesting. It was smaller than what I expected, only about 20 people. I felt very young and inexperienced, slightly out of place and really didn't know if I would fit in with them. They talked about the mentoring program they run, which does sound good. Pairing up an experienced business/professional with a younger protege to guide them through their careers/personal lives. I don't know if it's for me though. It would be awesome and the benefits definately outweigh the costs. I'll have to pray/think about it...
I guess I'm just a little skeptical about these sort of things, assocations and stuff - basically the meetings are all hyped up and you easily buy-in to it. Maybe I'm just being stubborn or letting fear get in the way. Fear of what? Uncertainty, the unknown, maybe. I dunno
My sister left this morning, which after made me really sad. I hardly saw her or spent much time with her... and don't know when I'll see her next. She and her boyfy, Pat gave me the Jack Johnson cd and a jazz collection one yeah! That made me happy, and I had a latte this morning (of course after an interview - just a temp job) and just had a flake... a few of my favourite things yummmm
But despite all those good things I'm still feeling bleeh... I have a headache, I was sick last night which wasn't fun, my shoulders are tight and I really just wanna curl up and go to sleep mehhh but the day isn't over yet
Monday, March 21, 2005
Nothing quite like it
Absolutely crazy, honestly you'd have to experience it for yourself! Most of the time is spent watching the crowd, checking out the costumes, laughing at crazy antics of people, meeting&talking to people, bumping into old friends, drinking Pims (that's the sevens drink, besides beer), random singing, seeing pie sellers, having the same conversation with drunk people, people milling around all over the streets after, oh yes and of course watching the rugby!! haa... it was quite surreal, it was lots of fun though
I knew people in the HK team, so ended up supporting them heaps more... 3 guys from my school and a guy I used to work with. SO that was really exciting, sad they didn't do better but oh well... we ended up sitting near the England 10s team and they were pretty fun and the US team came and sat in the stands (I know, US plays rugby!).
The weekend's gone by so fast, it's back to reality now... the 9th week
Friday, March 18, 2005
getting a lil excited
My mum is SOoo funny... she's been meeting all these random rugby teams around town and she goes up to them and says hi and asks them where they're from. She even got pictures with some of the NZ team (some really cute guys) and even invited a kiwi player (playing for Japan) back to our house for dinner! haha... cracks me up haha funny mummy
This morning I met the pastor of the church I've been going to (The Vine). He has a background in marketing and was a member of the Institute of Marketing in HK... so has some good contacts. It was just kewl talking to him, he's very laid back, easy going and chatting away. He was saying that we need people in the marketplace, to market the gospel, be God's PR and so on. Awesome. And he prayed for me at the end which was encouraging. He talked about HK being a strategic place, like a gateway for China and internationally. And so I know God has placed me here for a reason, so that's why I'm here
Funny, cuz I was thinking last night about stuff, as you do and realised more and more how God has been preparing and creating me specifically for His purpose - firstly I'm His child, a Christian; then I'm a female; thirdly, I'm ethnically Chinese; and I'm passionate about business. SOOO that makes me a Christian, Chinese businesswoman :) I'm working on each of those areas to make myself more effective for Christ... as a Christian-my relationship with God, fellowship with others, as a Chinese-my language, business-finding a job, a woman-shopping! hahaa
ohhaa... something I'm a little nervous/apprehensive about is tuesday nite... I'm going to a HK Association of Business & Professional Women function. Talk about networking! The lady I spoke to even suggested to get business cards done so I can hand out (they're currently being printed). I'm seeing it as an investment, of my time/money/self and in all investments there are risks... so I just need to go in, be confident, talk to as many people as I can and hand out my cards. Not so hard aye. Be strong and courageous ... It should be good, only thing now is what am I going to wear?! haha
Oh and I was a really good girl over the past week, so was going to go get that bag... but I came across some shoes instead and got them haha maybe next week
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
continuous consumption
Refering back to the alliterated title of continuous consumption... I guess that's life. And esp. in HK, it is a materialistic, self-gratifying, consumer focussed, driven by the desire to succeed sort of place. And it's so easy to get caught up in it all. Everything that's surrounding us is taken in and excreted in some way or another. What we hear, see, read, eat... we internalise it and it effects our behaviour, thoughts, emotions, relationships and so on. As a marketer (aren't we all?) this action of consuming is relied on and it's powerful and can be dangerous. I guess the only thing we can control is what we are consuming... what are we feeding our minds, bodies, and spirits?
Monday, March 14, 2005
Full house
I've been feeling slightly guilty for not doing 'more'... I don't know in what though. well, always in my job hunting, I've kinda slacked off a bit. I'm not getting discouraged or anything, but losing a little steam I guess. It's been 7.5 weeks since I've been back... I have to be realistic about it all, jobs esp. good ones don't come straight away. and I don't want to cop out and do teaching or anything... it's the easy option. I really don't want to settle for second best, and I know God doesn't want us to either... so I've just gotta keep going
180 has been really really good. Awesome bunch of people, the only thing is that HK is such a transitional place, people come and go which is sad, but I guess that means we have to make the most of the time we have. I've been thinking heaps about what I'm suppose to do while I'm here, in terms of ministry and stuff. I've been so used to being involved with everything and knowing what's going on, having a say and so on, (yesyes I am a bit of a control freak), so part of me wants to do it all, but I don't really feel I'm suppose to jump in there and do that sort of stuff here... yet. heh but it's kewl for now, had a talk to Derek last week, kinda like an interview... but I got asked different qs than I have been in other interviews haha... spiritual background, relationship with God and so on. He's a really good guy, makes good coffee too (bonus points)!! SO I'll be praying and seeing what God wants me to do here.
In the meantime, things I can look forward to in this week:
1. Anna comes back tomorrow!! YEAHYEAH
2. Ice-skating tomorrow nite (maybe... or I might just watch)
3. Lunch with some school girlfrys on weds
4. Coffee date with Nat.Box
5. RUGBY 7s Fri, Sat & Sun!!! woOoHOooo
oh and just started reading the Mark of the Lion series... that'll keep me busy for awhile!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
tempting... but no
ohh... what a great morning, got to speak to Lyds for an hour and half! score, ahh she's so amazing, have missed talking to her and our wee dates, which we had several extended versions of! so it was soooo good talking to her and she is so encouraging I nearly started crying! But I thought of the bag and quickly stopped! haha the power of desire...
Another great thing is that my dad bought me a pilates mat from Philippines, and honestly it is so cheap there (make a note Philippines team next year)... it's now lying in the middle of the floor so I'll have no excuse not to do some exercise! yeah and work off that 1cm off, which is quickly increasing
The more I think about it, the more I really want to go into China. I know I should go only when God says, and so I'm just having a little look around and checking things out. My cousin was telling me how corrupt and legalistic it is there... and that's just the way they do business, under the table sort of thing. mehh I know I'm called to work there, and when I do, I don't want to succumb to that. BUT would I be able to survive by not playing the game?! Would I be able to gain respect in the business sector?! I know God will prepare me for that time, and I'll have His favour so I shouldn't worry about it. Still... it'll definately be challenging
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
I'm getting used to this waiting thing. I'm currently waiting for a courierman to deliver something, waiting on God, waiting for a job opening, waiting for emails, waiting for friends to come back next week, waiting for the guy of my life, waiting for the clothes to dry, waiting for summer, waiting for my coffee...
so what are we suppose to do while we wait???
I haven't really got much to show for this time, I feel so unproductive... mehh maybe I should do some baking. I need to go get some cocoa or condense milk to make Jared's slices... hmm yumm, so while I wait, I'll just get fat. Sounds like a plan
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
haa that might be true, but I accidentally clicked on something and it changed the template so that was the real reason why!
boooo... I've lost more old comments. I know it's not a biggie... but I guess I value words so much cuz it's my love language. Funny that, cuz I give more with service and time... and receive with words. weird
toe-tappin' hand-clappin' head-bobbin' good
hahaa it was kewl seeing people in the crowd getting really into it, clapping and bobbing around!! And these are people in suits and stuff, which you'd expect them to me more reserved or acting in the appropriate manner. But the thing is when God is in the house, everything is stripped away.
The weekend was good in reminding God's promises and purposes for my life which is good to remember. A swinging door as Abbey said to me, where I get glimpses on what's on the other side to be encouraged and when it closes to just wait for God to fully open it so I can walk through. SO... I'm just waiting :)
In the meantime, my sister is coming back this week!! I haven't seen her in over a year!! Our relationship has changed heaps, it's harder when you don't see/talk as much, so will make the most of the time she's back. Will be good
Saturday, March 05, 2005
mi solo
You'd think Louis Vuitton would be all pretentious, but the guy who interviewed me was so casual and laidback... he was wearing jeans! And he was quite a young'un, so it was a lot more comfortable chatting away. There wasn't any particular position available, but he was really helpful and said he'll look into the marketing dept. and stuff. He also gave me advice on how to make my cv more 'sexy' haha those were his words!! And he's even going to forward me a password to get into a job site. Very nice of him!!
After I went and had a cofffee... all by myself. Which was ok, and there's a film festival coming up which is REALLY exciting. Made me think of Sam hehe do you know Chris Doyle? He's a cinematographer... amazing stuff and bumped into his exhibition before my interview. It had the actual film from films he's worked on like Hero, In the Mood for Love, Ashes of Time etc... it was soooo kewl!
And then last I continued my solo date by going to the movies... all by myself. I was a first! I was actually quite excited haha... I saw the Aviator. BUT it was sooo cold in the theatre I wished someone was there to cuddle ... I reckon you need to be able to hang out with yourself and have a good time, cuz if you don't enjoy your own company, then why would anyone else?!
hah another thought I had for learning chinese is to get a chinese boyfriend!! haha hey it worked for Carmi!!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
I say a lil prayer
soo... I've been thinking, since yesterday that I really need to work on my Chinese. So far, I have been declined 2 jobs and am unable to apply for millions of others because of my poor chinese. I feel so inadequate!! mehhh... but I realised that I really should be grateful that it's something I can change, work at it and improve. I guess my main thing is lack of confidence... no one likes doing things they're not good at, so I don't like speaking chinese, cuz I suck and know I'm going to make mistakes and people will laugh at me.
I guess I've always had that view that knowing english is more superior (interestingly coming from an ethnic chinese) I guess I've been very ignorant and have grown up in HK never learning to speak their language... the language of my people. mehh... talk about needing to humble oneself!!
soo... since I'm 'shy' talking to native speakers... I've decided to pray in Chinese! It was a bit of a revelation that our God is the God of all peoples, nations and tongues. And so He totally understands every single language. I cracked myself up sitting in my room talking away to God in my basic, child-like Chinese and when I didn't know a word, I'd say it in English, but with a Chinese accent so it would fit. hahaa... I'm sure He had a laugh too - at least it was with me, not at me!! I even read about the day of pentacost when the disciples were speaking in all languages and that others could understand them! IF ONLY IT COULD BE THAT EASY!
but I should perservere with this, if I'm really passionate about it, God will help me.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Speaking of being scared...
hmm I don't think I have any other phobias... oh apart from spiders - arachnophobia (had to look that one up). But it's not really a phobia, I just don't like them. They're gross
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Coffee date
I love being able to talk to people you are so comfortable with, that it's ok to have moments of silence (that gets expensive over the phone), talk about whatever's on your mind and knowing that you don't have to be afraid of being laughed at or questioned. Or if they laugh at you, you can usually laugh along as well. hehee
My mum is so cute she makes me lunch everyday - it's like being back in school! Today I have a homemade hamburger with a packet of cookies and some grapes and a mandarin. yum!
