Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I'm not even gonna say what that title's about... esp. since people in HK are starting to read this! haa, just one of my little incentives I give myself... it makes life more fun :) and after every interview I go get a coffee/some chocolate or buy myself something. My new one is if I can go through a week without crying then I get to go buy myself a new bag (I saw this one I like, it's sooo cute, it's pink!! - sorry Emma). I might have to wait till next week now, but I don't think crying in God's presence counts, does it?! hmm... or in movies, so that's Million Dollar Baby next week then... I can wait

I'm getting used to this waiting thing. I'm currently waiting for a courierman to deliver something, waiting on God, waiting for a job opening, waiting for emails, waiting for friends to come back next week, waiting for the guy of my life, waiting for the clothes to dry, waiting for summer, waiting for my coffee...

so what are we suppose to do while we wait???

I haven't really got much to show for this time, I feel so unproductive... mehh maybe I should do some baking. I need to go get some cocoa or condense milk to make Jared's slices... hmm yumm, so while I wait, I'll just get fat. Sounds like a plan


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