Saturday, March 26, 2005

simply AMAZING

We have an AMAZING loving God! So many things I can testify in my life and in the lives of the people around me that are examples of this!!

Yesterday a group of us from church went to Chung King Mansion to serve the people there. Ok to paint a wee picture of this place: it’s a 5 block building, 17 floors high, with shops, restaurants on the first two floors and residential, office and cheap backpackers/motels/rooms in the rest of it. There are little lifts which you can only squeeze 7-8 people inside, and windy stairwells all over the place. Many parts are poorly lit and there isn’t much natural light. The people in this area are mainly immigrants, refugees, travellers, business owners and so you can imagine the mix of different languages, clothing, colours and smells that permeate the building! Honestly it’s simply AMAZING. There is a history of drugs, addicts, dealers, murders, rapes, crime, rats, filth… which is associated with this place – much of which has improved or been dealt with, but you can imagine the spiritual oppression over the whole place. Like I said in the previous blog, I’ve always been scared of this place - I wouldn’t even go in to the money exchange with Jared! But God is so gracious and He allowed me to go on this outreach to overcome that and open my eyes to the life and His love for the people there.

We started with a prayer walk going to each floor or every other floor praying and painting the walls with God’s light (several people on the team had pictures or words for this, which was kewl), we talked and prayed with people as we felt lead. We went up to the roof and it was AMAZING just looking down these grated covered areas, which let light down to the small rooms/apartments below. The darkness and filth was evident, but I know God will use these to pour out His light into these people’s lives and rain down His spirit to wash away the dirt and everything (physically and spiritually).

We then had a worship time in the ICM room… it was filled with people from all over, Nepalese, South Asians, Africans, Chinese… it was so beautiful to hear our voices lifted up together as one to worship our King! You could feel God’s presence fill the room. It was like those church house meetings you hear about, so many people packed into a small room and everyone is just worshiping God. It’s something we rarely experience… it was honestly AMAZING! After, someone from the team shared about Christ and what he did for us, and a meal was served. The women go to another room next door where there is a children’s area and a medic room (some doctors and nurses volunteer there and someone donates medicine). I was so honoured to be able to lead a Bible study with some of the ladies and talk and pray with them. A 14-year old girl from the Congo didn’t speak much English, but she listened to us talk about our identity in Christ and she prayed in French at the end which was so beautiful. God let the people from different tribes and tongues worship you! And it was great to be able to do that

God’s grace and glory didn’t just stop then (it never does) and that evening my mum and I went to a worship night at church, where a visiting violinist ministered through his music. I honestly just love violin music, there’s just something about it that pulls at your heart/emotions, and you get all tingly! Again, God always comes when His children worship Him. The spirit of healing was so heavy and my mum was touched and healed of a back pain, which has effected her walking and causes her so much pain for the past 5-6years. And now she is free from that! She doesn’t walk with a limp nor has any pain!! Our God is an AMAZING God! Glory to God! On our way home we had to celebrate and go get some chocolate haha…

For this Easter weekend, the words of Amazing Grace have continued to speak to me… Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see. Thankyou God that you sent your Son to die for us, that you loved us SO much to pay the price for our sins. Thankyou for the cross and life you have given us through Christ Jesus, one that gives us hope and a future. And I pray we will continue to worship you and love you all our days. Amen


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