Sunday, February 11, 2007

i've come a long way...

hmm just read my posts from this time last year and the year before

2005 - recently back in HK. settling back into the home, trying to find a job, growing leg hair, CNY hike...

2006 - just did the half-marathon haa the pain

and now? well i've been in my job for nearly 2 years... have a new title as 'project manager', i'm training a new person [hopefully to take over my role, so i could leave if i wanted to] though i just got a raise! wohoo which is good as it'll pay for all my holidays: newyork+nacadogches, leading a missions team into china this easter [4 canadians + 1 kiwi... so far. need a mandarin speaker!], then LA+vancouver+edmonton for mel's wedding and hopefully going to see gwen stefani while we're there. and that's only the next 5 months! sooo exciting im so tired i can hardly sleep!!

the coolest thing is that those years ago who would have known it would be like this? not i.. which makes the next few years sound cool, cuz it's just going to get better!


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