Monday, February 05, 2007

i am yeet hei

ohh i just switched to the new blog style which links to your gmail... google is pretty amazing! i think i fancy it, a lot. wow thanks for your comments, i do feel loved as i didn't think ppl even checked this anymore, well unless you have one of those things which tell you when someone has blogged

so back to the title and my current status, if you're not chinese it's a really really hard thing to explain. basically i know when i am yeet hei is when i get mouth ulcers and i'm constantly parched and tired, it's brought on by stress and lack of sleep and not eating well. it effects your whole body and your system is really weak. is there an english equivilant? we've had many a discussion on this topic and what it means in english but to this day still have not found a satisfying answer [strange that]

on another note it's 9 days (i had to pause and count my fingers) til i go to New York and TX!! i'm soooo super excited you don't understand. i just wanna go NOW! but know that there's lots of work to do before i go.. alas back to reality for a few more days and then i'll be off. i think the best things about this trip is going to newyork and seeing my sis+tim, and THEN the very next day I fly to houston to see abbey whom i haven't seen in over 2 years! ohmigosh it's been that long!! ohhh I'm suddenly a little nervous... what if 'things' are different?! hah well we know that since there's a brett in her life so I can't wait to hear all about him, yesyes hun you have to update me all about that and i'm looking forward to finally going to java jacks! all those years of hearing about it, so i'll finally get to get to have my moment with it. and i plan to have a moment [or two] and spend the weekend with her and her wonderful family. is aunt D gonna be there? I think she lives somewhere else... and since abs has to work something, i'll head back to snowy cold newyork to wander the urban raw streets in downtown and the little boutiques and cafes in soho, go through second hand stores and spend the days reading in bookstores and cafes and watch steam rise from the gratings and eat hotdogs with lots of onions+sauce... hmm and i don't even like hotdogs!

oh well maybe that among other things on this trip will be the adventure!


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