Saturday, July 08, 2006

1, 2, 3 take foto

ohh loved the boat trip... it was such a nice day, and well it was HOT!! tho now it feels like it was soooo long ago. boat trips are something you have to do in HK and it's quite amazing going through the harbour and then out to the ocean, passing the islands and mountains, it's really beautiful, a totally different side of HK.

after 180, went to sam's bday and everyone had been in the sun that day and was pretty knackered, but a bqq on the roof and mooching was perfect way to finish the day...

forward to the next weekend, we had our 180 F&B team hang out, which was really fun and of course there was so much food haha

and it was neena's bday and we got her these cute cushion stools and it was a bit of a laugh carrying them around town.

we had dinner at dan ryans the old hang out from school days and watched the world cup... both games... ahhhh

after getting home at 530am we went to ocean park that day! it was soo cool though, despite it being so HOT and us being really tired... the last time i had been was expedition day at kgv... over 10 years ago. funny thing i remembered the dragon being really scary and so was freaking out a bit.. ok A LOT but after i was like, was that IT?!?! pretty lame. hah the funniest was the newer ride, abyss and we were like, it's not scary at all... then when we got on it, it actually was really really high so we started freakin out a bit and laughing and screaming. which totally helps! hah the jellyfish were pretty cool

hmm well that was just last week... there's more to come, i'm tired, excited and managing to get through the day with a little help - love it!


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