Friday, November 04, 2005

oh what a day

I'm sitting in dozo, a nice japanese place on the corner with the view of the escalators... great place to people watch and also be watched, hmm now that's a scary thought!

anyways, the day started bad and then got a little worse and then horribly bad!!! had another cry in the office and Simon joked saying this is a 4-month thing - me having a cry in the office haa... but he added that it was good to let things out ha had a wee chat and he's so funny, cuz he started to get all teary-eyed hehe... and even the guy next to me was all concerned etc. ahh the power of a few tears, but it's so funny cuz crying is sooo unattractive with the runny nose and blotchy face etc... but I guess there's something about people expressing their emotions in this way that makes you break

sigh... so that's why I'm having japanese, my comfort food and so the day continues...


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