Sunday, September 04, 2005

Phase 3?

At the moment my parents are away and I'm all alone. I've realised that I don't think I can live on my own... I don't really like the idea of coming home to an empty place. I like the idea of having people around, but this quiet time has given me some time to think about stuff. Mainly personal management in terms of time, finances and life in general.

I've been in HK 7.5 months now (wow it's been THAT long already?!) I'm pretty much settled now at home, a good church & 180, friends, work and so on...

Work is work, and that's all it is ever going to be. I've been there for 4 months now and things are becoming more routine. Although now I've been converted to a mac user - I have seen the light haa... have a read of the 2nd article on our website

Church is alive and well. Cliff&Linnet's wedding over the weekend was so beautiful, I'll have to try and get some pics :) I think now is the time for me to focus on where I'm to be ministrying within the church and start sowing into it. more to come...

School friends, church friends, work friends, new friends - they are a plenty. And yes I still get the "Are you chinese?" question :) I'm also getting called "kris" which is kinda nice, as previously only my family & close friends called me that...

and yes I still do miss NZ & Dunedin life and grass :P Just looked at some pics - beautiful wish you were here!

All in all, God is good and I know that I'm here for such as time as this


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