Sunday, July 24, 2005
Dove has got me saying that now "Do it, do it"... and if you've seen Starsky & Hutch then you know what I mean ha
For the pass couple of days, even weeks there have been a few things going on, and I keep going over them in my mind and I know what I should do, but don't do them... either I think about it so much that I think I've actually done it, or I keep procrastinating and putting it off and it gets demoted down the to do list.
An email and a talk with Lyds this week pushed some buttons and as always she is full of amazing wisdom and encouragement, I just love talking to her. Honestly I have to think more objectively about things and try to remove the emotional element which is always involved. Not saying that its a bad thing, but sometimes it does effect your judgement and thinking...
And the speakers this weekend both at 180 and morning church were entirely relevant to me and where I'm at. One being on purity and that our purity is what effects how intimate we are with God and the other asked the question "Where are you?" from God's perspective. He's looking for us, waiting for us... why do we busy ourselves with the things around us, when all He wants is for us to look up and smile at Him?!
There's some stuff I need to deal with and these lyrics sum it up quite nicely...
How could someone so beautiful
Feel something for me
Hold me and love me and touch me again
And show me why I believe
That the first time I see your face
Everything else around me will fade to the background
and I'll be struck, full, by the truth in your gaze
As you work an indelible change in me
All I have and all I am and all I think and do
Can find its purpose and meaning and life only in you
- Indelible, Brooke Fraser
For the pass couple of days, even weeks there have been a few things going on, and I keep going over them in my mind and I know what I should do, but don't do them... either I think about it so much that I think I've actually done it, or I keep procrastinating and putting it off and it gets demoted down the to do list.
An email and a talk with Lyds this week pushed some buttons and as always she is full of amazing wisdom and encouragement, I just love talking to her. Honestly I have to think more objectively about things and try to remove the emotional element which is always involved. Not saying that its a bad thing, but sometimes it does effect your judgement and thinking...
And the speakers this weekend both at 180 and morning church were entirely relevant to me and where I'm at. One being on purity and that our purity is what effects how intimate we are with God and the other asked the question "Where are you?" from God's perspective. He's looking for us, waiting for us... why do we busy ourselves with the things around us, when all He wants is for us to look up and smile at Him?!
There's some stuff I need to deal with and these lyrics sum it up quite nicely...
How could someone so beautiful
Feel something for me
Hold me and love me and touch me again
And show me why I believe
That the first time I see your face
Everything else around me will fade to the background
and I'll be struck, full, by the truth in your gaze
As you work an indelible change in me
All I have and all I am and all I think and do
Can find its purpose and meaning and life only in you
- Indelible, Brooke Fraser