Sunday, May 15, 2005

lazy sunday morning

Open my eyes, the curtains are drawn - what time is it? 9:55am...
maybe I should get up, or maybe not. Close my eyes

12:20pm - ok maybe I should get up now. Slip into my dressing gown, the place is so quiet. Everyone must be out. It's just me, smile, I like that.

Mosey on into the kitchen, the clocks ticking, the tiles are nice and cool... hmm yum there's mango, thanks I'll have one of them.

Thinking back to last nite, I don't know if I can do that again... just being out till morning in bars and clubs. It's fun and all hanging with school friends and checking out new places - but is that me? Do I really care about being in those places? no not really, if anything it's about the people, the friends and relationships - that's what I care about. So to be with them, do I have to do the things they do? Maybe to a certain extend, but never to a point where I have to compromise my faith and belief in Christ. I guess I always feel that by being there I can be a light to them, to share God's love - but do I really? God, Jesus or my beliefs rarely come up in conversation, talk is more of gossip and the old days. So am I just kidding myself? I dunno and either way I don't think I could sustain a lifestyle like this, work long hours, stay out all night, one that HK demands of young people - physically and mentally it's tiring, and spiritually I know I'm not in the place where I should be - are we ever?

Like Jesus did, I know I have to draw away from the crowds, to a quiet place to be in God's presence, to quieten my mind, soul and spirit to hear His voice - "Be still and know that I am God". It's so hard in a place like HK, but even in the midst of it all, God will bring that peace and lead me to the quiet streams to be refreshed.

On another note - today is Global Day of Prayer - people from all over the world is and will be praying and praising our God. That's awesome and I can't wait to go to the HK stadium (yes where the sevens are held) and be apart of it! woohoooo


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