Tuesday, May 31, 2005

it's been one month...

I originally was going to change lyrics to Barenaked Ladies for my current position of just finishing a month at Fluid... but nahhh can't be bothered

So yeah it's actually been a month! CRAZY... who would've known that I would be here, doing this and meeting the people I am? not I, said the fly. and yet I am. It's kewl though and I am enjoying it... it's pretty full on with the work, meetings, clients, promotions - one is starting tomorrow, so have to keep ontop of everything. crazycrazy... oh and I'm going to my first meeting this sat. by myself! ahh... I'm sure it'll be fine, amusing in fact... so that's sat.

Finally managed to catch up on blogs, woohoo everyone's been going all over the place and road-tripping. I miss that... just getting into a car and driving somewhere - not me driving of course, I'll forever be on my learners! ha... good times

One thing I'm looking forward to is teaching Splash this month, which is the 5-7yrs old at church!! they are sooo cute and i just love talking with them! my new friends :) ok is this my little way of trying to escape the realities of finding real friends and forming deeper relationships??? hah maybe

well last weekend was really good cuz I managed to spend some time with a friend from school, who is a Christian now and just TALK! so it was all in God's timing to bring her along then, she's back in the UK now. But I know that was just for then. At least I know... denial is the first stage of everything. and I'm over that ha

Today is my mummy's birthday. yeah for mummy!! I bought her some white chocolate, which she loves. I guess after a while presents aren't as special as being with someone - your presence... awwww


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