Monday, April 11, 2005

A collection of... random stuff

Random #1
On the way home tonight the guy sitting next to me was sleeping and he kept falling on me! It was so crazy, so I kept moving the other way, so I was half in the aisle... he even started snoring! haha... it was amusing though, and got me thinking about mi personale espacio and how much I enjoy my space. I guess another way to see it, is if I wasn't there he could have hurt himself quite terribly, so that's no fun

Random #2
At lunch today, was chatting to some ladies in the office and they're so cute, they're really excited about my new job! hah... and they've somehow managed to rope me into making a pavalova because I'm leaving! Apparently it's in exchange for something, I dunno, it's going to be a surprise hmm...

Random #3
Last night I was planning to have a quiet one at home, but then realised my mum was speaking at church (now how did that slip my mind?!) but it was really kewl seeing my mum up there and sharing what's on her heart and stories about her three little girls - hey wait she's talking about me!! Never had that happen before haha it was funny though, I actually laughed out LOUD

Random #4
Yesterday as I was walking out of church, who do I see?!! MALCOLM! OMG it was so crazy, and surreal, but hello, he was there. It was like mixing up my NZ life and HK life, those things only happen in dreams... well apparently not! He's here for a week with his fiancee (she's sooo lovely!) and they just happen to be staying with some of her friends from Oz that go to the same church. Small world ay

Random #5
We had gone out for Amy's bday lunch with her parents and realised this other guy went to the same school as me, although he is a few years younger we managed to find out who we knew and so on. And it was kewl talking about KGV life and our loyalties with Upsdell (our house, which I was the girls captain of, but he didn't even know that... boooo that's ok he's a guy)

Random #6
Phil called! ok it wasn't completely random, since we had arranged a time, but that was nice... oh speaking of calls, got one from Davina when I was at work and typical her was just sitting on the toilet (she won't mind me sharing this)!! hah cracks me up, the fact that you can be so comfortable with someone, there's nothing really to hide even when you're over in LA. loveya dove!

ahh... random stuff - it's like finding out you still have some chocolate in the fridge!! It makes my day


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