Thursday, February 24, 2005

breathe in, breathe out

no no I'm not expecting... well I am but in a different way.

I have to wait for the GM to hear back about the offer he made the marketing director and then wants to arrange a meeting between us, because I'd be working under him (marketing director)... ahh, the waiting is prolonged

Yeah got to speak to Carmi this morning!! Funny cuz I was still waking up, it's great talking to friends in the morning, kinda reminds me of when we "lived" with each other in Chile for 5 weeks or so! haha she won't mind me saying this, but one time in Chile, we were still asleep in the morning, and I hear this fart! A few minutes later, Carmi goes, oh did I just fart? I thought it was in my dream!! haha we just cracked up and had to get up. hehe

Since I've had lots of time on my hands, I've read a few books in the past week...
The five people you meet in heaven - Mitch Albom. Made me cry... mehh, he's a good writer. Loved his other one, Tuesdays with Morrie (my 50c book from the 24/hr booksale!)
I married you - Walter Trobisch. It's an oldie (1971) but it actually was good! Good perspective on relationships and entering a marriage (not like I'm anywhere near there yet!)
21 most important minutes of a leaders life - John C. Maxwell (current) A study guide to the 21 irrefutable laws

Other things I'm doing to occupy my time...
9pm EVERY nite, I watch this chinese series, called My Family. It's about a husband & wife, their 3 sons and the grandfather (dad's side). It's actually really good, and some of the guys are kinda cute, haha... the annoying thing is that I always end up reading the chinese subtitles, instead of listening to them. But I'm getting addicted, don't think it's quite like GG though

I'm also reading/going through my chinese Bible... NT. It takes me soooo long cuz I have to use the dictionary to look up characters and meanings. mehh... but I know I really need to perservere with it

...and that's about it, what a sad life!


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