Saturday, January 01, 2005

It's the new year after all

We entered the new year with a bang, whizz & sparkles... yes we had fireworks, thanks to Sam. It was fun!

So what does 2005 hold for us? It’s a new year – and as always there's challenges, uncertainties, storms, which will lead to testimonies of survival and growth.

Big changes for me this year will be going back to HK, entering the work environment, living at home among other things I’m sure will arise. But that’s all good. It’s a new year, a new season. It’s exciting. Even though my situations and environments change, I take with me memories and experiences that will help me to keep going. And soon it will just be another thing in the past.

I really like this quote, and feel it is quite appropriate for this year:

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. (A Chinese proverb)

What areas do I want to grow in? Definately my relationship with Jesus, that's a continual thing, which I need to be more dedicated to. I know my Chinese, both Cantonese and Mandarin need some working on, especially my spoken chinese. Growing in terms of expanding my knowledge and understanding of the things around me and what interests me through reading, questioning and applying it in my life. And I guess ones character will grow as they go through situations that will build character and leave lasting impressions. So in that, we all can grow slowly.

Here's to 2005. Cheers!


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